Bachelor of Law at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (PUC-Campinas), Business Administration degree at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), graduate degree in Contractual Law at Centro de Extensão Universitária) and graduate degree in Civil Procedural Law at Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP).
Has significant experience in major businesses such as Banco Mercantil de São Paulo (nowadays known as Banco Bradesco), Arthur Andersen (known today as Deloitte Touche Tomatsu) and Banco e Corretora Patente S/A. Focused on Corporate and Civil Law, particularly Real Estate Law, and specialized in real estate incorporation and condominium law.
Member of the sectorial advisory board of the Bar Association of Brazil (2019/2022 administration) and member of OABPrev of the Bar Association (2021/2023 administration).
Partnered with Estapar Condomínio Cruz Alta
Rua Barão de Jaguara, 1481, Centro, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil