Reinaldo Federici


Bachelor’s degree at Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (PUC-Campinas), focused on Civil Litigious Law with a number of major wins in courts. Has notable, long-term experience at Companhia de Habitação Popular Bandeirante (COHAB Bandeirante), with significant influence in the Real Estate Law department, which is also Reinaldo’s focus area.

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(PT) Responsabilidade solidária entre a agência de viagens e a companhia de aviação na comercialização de passagens aéreas

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(PT) Dano Moral: Normas Legais – Noções Básicas – Quantum Indenizatório

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(PT) Registro Civil de Óbito –– Cuidados e eventual retificação

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Centro, Campinas, SP

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